In order to obtain access authorization to the function rooms in the basement, you must acquire certain qualifications by attending introductory courses. For card activation, please contact Ms. Astrid Dittlmann or Ms. Moniera Ebner (ZMK secretary's office) in person or by mail (please indicate the number of the CampusCard).
There are valid user guidelines for unlocking the functional rooms in the ZMK building, which may not be circumvented, also for insurance reasons.
These are:
Equipment lending takes place at the following times:
Monday - Thursday: 09:30-10:30 and 17:30-18:30
Friday: 09:30-10:30
Saturday: 17:30-18:30
The rental is closed on Sundays and holidays!
There is no rental outside the opening hours.
The rental takes place in room ZMK U05.
In the newsroom, start your workstation by pressing the right red button.
To shut down the workstation, please press the left red button for 3-4 seconds: The button starts flashing. The workstation will then shut down automatically after one minute and turn itself off - no further manual intervention is required.
Please do NOT shut down the workstation via Windows > Shutdown!
Please report problems, defects or other errors by e-mail to Mr. Habel or Mr. Pflugbeil. Make sure to describe the error that has occurred in detail.
In urgent cases, you can also drop by room U07 or call 0851 509 3289.
The following programs are available at workstations in the newsroom:
- Adobe Acrobat is responsible for Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). Adobe Acrobat Standard, Adobe Acrobat Pro, and Adobe Acrobat Suite are used to create and edit PDF files. Adobe Reader is a free program for viewing PDF files.
- Adobe After Effects is a Compositing and animation software. It can be used to stitch together film footage with computer-generated images and effects.
- Adobe Audition is a professional audio editor software for editing digital audio files.
- Adobe Bridge serves as the central program for all project files and file formats supported by the Creative Suite programs. A zoomable and scrollable file preview, as well as extensive management functions for meta information are provided.
- Adobe Dreamweaver is an HTML editor that combines a WYSIWYG editor with parallel source code editing.
- Adobe Dynamic Link controls how After Effects works with Adobe Premiere Pro and with Encore.
- Adobe Encore is used for authoringDVD and Blu-ray discs.
- Adobe Fireworks is a graphcs programm that can edit and create raster graphics and vector graphics.
- Adobe Flash is a family of software that includes the following:
- Adobe Flash Professional
- Adobe Flash Catalyst
- Adobe Flash Builder, formerly Adobe Flex Builder.
- Adobe Flash Player, a free application for playing Flash files (SWF).
- Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics program.
- Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing application.
- Adobe OnLocation allows filmmakers to save footage directly to disk and also monitor and control it in real time on the computer.
- Adobe Photoshop is an image editing program.
- Adobe Premiere Pro is a nonlinear film and video editing program.
- Adobe Digital Publishing Suite Professional is a complete solution for developing and publishing tablet content, such as digital magazines.
- Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is software for managing, optimizing, and converting digital photos, especially raw files produced by digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) and some compact cameras, among others.
- Microsoft Office is the office software package from Microsoft and contains e.g. Excel, Word and PowerPoint.
- WoodWing ContentStation is the content management program of the WoodWing Enterprise editorial system.
If you would like to use a studio, please make an appointment with Mr. Habel for a brief preliminary discussion. In this conversation, you will clarify the scheduling issues with a member of the media services staff at ZMK and discuss the preparations required by media services in the studio. The room booking will then be made by Media Services and the question of the required support on the production date will be coordinated.