Information for new students
General information about the orientation week
Here you will find an overview of the courses offered during the orientation week. Please note that this time the orientation week will take place virtually owing to the corona crisis.
Information events during the Orientation Week:
The Orientation Week for all new students (which coincides with the last week of the Orientation Weeks for international students) takes place one week before classes start each semester. In the course of this week, we offer info events and introductory workshops where you can get to know the University’s IT services as well as our virtual learning environments, Stud.IP and ILIAS.
Information for students
In our flyer for students, you can find all important information about IT and media services at the University of Passau. We will explain to you briefly where you can find everything you need for your studies, how you can register and what could be interesting for you as well as your Stud.IP.
Your user ID: the ZIM ID
With the study documents that you were sent by the Student Registration Office when you enrolled, you were also sent your ZIM ID. You will need these credentials in order to access the University’s IT services.
Your CampusCard
The multifunctional CampusCard not only serves as a student ID. It is also used for paying in the refectory or in cafeterias, print and copy documents, borrow books from the library and to use lockers and access systems. The CampusCard is also your bus ticket.
Your e-mail address
All new students are given a University e-mail address, which is specified in the enrolment documents. Example: The University will send important notifications and programme-relevant information to this e-mail address. If you wish, you can set up a forwarding rule to your own private e-mail account.
You can find all important information about the Outlook e-mail program on our Help-pages.
Library services
In order to be able to use the services of the University Library, you need the library user number noted on your CampusCard as well as a library-specific initial password that is based on your date of birth.
Accessing the University network with mobile devices
In addition to tethered access at the computer rooms, you can also access the university network via WiFi, logging into 'CampusUniPassau' and 'eduroam'.
All information about using the university network.
When sending a print job from within the University’s network, you will only need your CampusCard to print your documents with any of the campus printer-copiers. There are machines on the campus where you can load credit for the campus printer-copiers onto your CampusCard.
You can also use the campus printer-copiers from your private PC via
Wi-Fi (OpenVPN, eduroam). To do this you need your CampusCard and also the respective printer driver for the campus printer-copiers.