Didactic media production
With our offers for didactic media production, we want to enrich and improve research and teaching for students and lecturers at the University of Passau. Our specialists have many years of experience in using professional recording technology, guaranteeing high-quality results.
If you are interested in using our services, we would be happy to advise you personally.
Please address your request in good time to support@zim.uni-passau.de - subject 'media production'.
The studio technology office of the ZIM offers great scope for professional media production. Would you like to record a programme with your seminar course or a unit for your course? We would be happy to help you with the implementation of your project.

Lecturers can have their courses recorded with the help of the media services of the ZIM. This service should be regarded as a supplement but not a replacement for face-to-face teaching.
The ZIM takes care of the preparation, implementation and post-editing of the recording. Access can take place on a course-internal basis via ILIAS or publicly via Vimeo. There is no extra work for you as a lecturer.
You can find an example of the recording format in our media portfolio

Communication and promotional films such as expert statements or other video formats are of great interest and high relevance for the representation of your research results and projects. The media services team supports and advises you about your project.
The articles/reports will be published on Vimeo and can therefore be directly integrated into the websites of the university.